sad, here begins one of the biggest trips of my life and here i am shortening the three hour period i have to sleep. ahh but i guess that's what airplanes are for? i can't yet decide whether i want the window seat so i can fall asleep and not worry about my adjacent passengers going to the restroom or if i want the aisle seat so i can roam til my heart's content. oh, woe, what heavy decisions we have to make at 4 in the morn!
speaking of heart's content, as excited as i am (or should be) i'm feeling really homesick already. ugh this always happens. this gorgeous seattle summer has just now started to kick off and i'm leaving! but what's life if you dont' leave the cave, right? says bangalore will be in the high 70s, thunderstormy & ~70% humidity. but how accurate are weather seers anyway? i ask too many questions at this hour. one more: what is the last letter of the alphabet?